These hot summer months really make us sweat, so basically we hydrate ourselves with plenty of water and sunscreen. But what about our dogs or pets, what should we do to keep them cool during these hot heat waves? We’ve done some research and here is what we found.
If you have a hairless pet, it is very important to put sunscreen on their skin. Any type of sun screen will do. Just like human’s hairless dogs, cats, you name it can get skin cancer too.
Always make sure they have plenty of water. Many people forget to check their pet's water bowl. Work, school, life can make us forget, however, if we take simple steps of making this routine in our lives, our pets won't get dehydrated. Also, if you have your dog/cat/pet outside and their water bowl is empty, you can be fined by the city. It's better to take five minutes out of our day than to pay a fine or worse have a sick pet.
It is official, in California leaving your pet inside a car unattended is against the law. Think about it, if the windows are up and it's 80 degrees outside, the oxygen flow stops and the heat begins to accumulate. Our pets will suffocate because of the levels of carbon dioxide and heat combination.
Walk your pets during the early hours of the morning or later in the evening. Remember concrete gets really warm and their paws can get blisters and severe infections. Take precautions.
Cutting or trimming your pet's fur will help their body temperature cool down. Remember if you shave them down you may want to use some sunblock if their skin is exposed.
Keeping up with their flea treatments is really important. Fleas are extremely active during the summer months. These little creepy crawlers need to be kept under control so our pets won't be itchy.
For more tips contact your local vet. Until Next time!
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